
Grand Coulee Dam – one of the most popular destinations in central Washington.

Dam good fun: Family-friendly roadtrip through Central Washington

School is letting out for the summer, which means families have a…


The best time to dig for razor clams is about two hours before or after low tide. On Thursday, March 14, 2024, Mocrocks Beach in Moclips, Washington, had a -0.3 tide at 10:12 a.m. By 9 a.m. the beach swarmed with clammers thumping their digging tubes against the sand to stir the razor clams into showing where they were hiding. (Brenda Mann Harrison / Special to Sound & Summit)

Washington roadtrip to Moclips: razor clam digging with fries and grunge

We joined thousands of clammers in search of the tasty shellfish. Kurt Cobain’s memorial and Big Tom burgers were stopovers.